Thursday, July 30, 2009

World's Most Colorful and Beautiful Game Birds

Game birds are any bird hunted for food or not normally domesticated.

Game birds are also hunted for sport. Here's a list of the most attractive

and colorful game birds.

1. Palawan Peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron napoleonis)

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One of the handsomest birds on the planet is the Palawan Peacock-pheasant. This bird is found in the

island of Palawan, Philippines. It is also known as Napoleon Peacock-pheasant. It is a medium-sized bird

that grows up to 50 cm long. The tail feathers are decorated with large blue-green ocelli, which may be

spread fanlike in courtship displays. The female is smaller than the male and less colorful. It is a threatened

species due to ongoing habitat loss, small population size and limited range as well as hunting and

capture for trade.

2. Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)

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The picture above is a male Mongolian Ringneck, a type Common Pheasant.

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The photo above is a Chinese Ring-necked Pheasant, another type of Common Pheasant.

Common Pheasant is native to Asia and has been widely introduced elsewhere as a game bird. It is a

well-known game bird, among those of more than regional importance perhaps the most widespread

and ancient one in the whole world. The Common Pheasant is one of the world's most hunted birds; it

has been introduced for that purpose to many regions, and is also common on game farms where it is

commercially farmed for this purpose. "Ring-necked Pheasant" is a collective name for a number of

subspecies and their crossbreeds.

3. Green Peafowl (Pavo muticus)

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The elegant-looking Green Peafowl is a large bird that is found in the tropical forests of Myanmar,

Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia in Southeast Asia. The familiar Indian Peafowl

diverged from the Green Peafowl approximately 70,000 years ago. The sexes of Green Peafowl

are quite similar in appearance, especially in the field. During most of the year, when the males

have no visible trains, it is quite difficult to distinguish the sexes. Both sexes have tall pointed crests,

and are long-legged, heavy-winged and long-tailed in silhouette.

4 Lady Amherst's Pheasant (Chrysolophus amherstiae)

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The beautiful Lady Amherst's Pheasant is a bird native to south western China and Myanmar, but

have been introduced elsewhere, and have established a self-supporting, but now declining, feral

population in England. This bird is very difficult to see in its natural habitat, which is dense, dark forests

with thick undergrowth. Whilst they can fly, they prefer to run, but if startled they can suddenly burst

upwards at great speed, with a distinctive wing sound. The name commemorates Sarah Countess

Amherst, wife of William Pitt Amherst, Governor General of Bengal, who was responsible for sending

the first specimen of the bird to London in 1828.

5. Green Pheasant (Phasianus versicolor)

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The lovely-looking Green Pheasant is the national bird of Japan. It is also known as Japanese Pheasant,

a bird of the lowlands. Closely related to the Common Pheasant, the cock is distinguished by dark green

plumage on breast and mantle. The male has an iridescent violet neck, red bare facial skin and purplish

green tail. The female is smaller than male, and has a dull brown plumage with dark spots.

6. Reeve's Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii)

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The uniquely colored Reeves's Pheasant is a large pheasant growing up to 210 cm long. It is endemic

to China and the name commemorates the British naturalist John Reeves, who first introduced live

specimens to Europe in 1831. This spectacular pheasant is mentioned in the Guinness World Records

2008 for having the longest natural tail feather of any bird species; a record formerly held by the Crested

Argus Pheasant. It can measure up to 2.4 meters or 8 feet long.

7. Hume's Pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae)

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The good-looking Hume's Pheasant, also known as Mrs. Hume's Pheasant or Bar-tailed Pheasant is

a large, up to 90cm long, forest pheasant. This rare and little known pheasant is found throughout

forested habitats in China, India, Burma and Thailand. The name commemorates Mary Ann Grindall

Hume, wife of the British naturalist in India Allan Octavian Hume. It is a threatened species due to

ongoing habitat lost, fragmented population and being hunted for food.

8. Himalayan Monal (Lophophorus impejanus)

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The brightly colored Himalayan Monal is the national bird of Nepal. It is also known as the Impeyan

Monal or Impeyan Pheasant or Danphe. It is a bird of genus Lophophorus of the Pheasant family. It

is known as the Danfe in Nepal and the state bird of Uttarakhand.

9. Temminck Tragopan (Tragopan temminckii)

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The colorful Temminck's Tragopan is a medium-sized pheasant growing up to 64 cm long. The male

is a stocky red-and-orange bird with white-spotted plumage, black bill and pink legs. It has a bare blue

facial skin, inflatable dark-blue lappet and horns. The female is a white-spotted brown bird with blue

circular eye skin. It is distributed in forests of northern South Asia, from northeast India, northwest

Vietnam, Tibet and northern provinces of China.

10. Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata)

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The majestic and colorful Ocellated Turkey is a species of turkey residing in the Yucatan Peninsula. It

is relatively large bird, at around 70-122 cm (28-48 in) long and an average weight of 3 kg (6.6 lbs) in

females and 5 kg (11 lbs) in males. They also can be found in Belize and the northern part of Guatemala.

Turkeys spend most of the time on the ground and often prefer to run to escape danger through the day

rather than fly, though they can fly swiftly and powerfully for short distances as the majority of birds in this

order do in necessity.

11. Elliot's Pheasant (Syrmaticus ellioti)

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The Elliot's Pheasant which is endemic to China is also known as Bar-backed Pheasant. It is a large

pheasant growing up to 80cm long. It lives in evergreen and mountain forests of southeastern China,

at altitudes up to 6,200 feet. The diet consists mainly of seeds, leaves and berries. The name commemorates

the American ornithologist Daniel Giraud Elliot. It is a threatened species due to ongoing habitat lost, limited

range and being hunted for food.

12. Indian Blue Peafowl (Pavo cristatus)

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The magnificent and attractive Indian Peafowl is the national bird of India. It is also known as the Common

Peafowl or the Blue Peafowl. The Indian Peafowl is a resident breeder in the Indian subcontinent and has

been introduced into many parts of the world and feral populations exist in many introduced regions.

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Peafowl are most notable for the male's extravagant display feathers which, despite actually growing

from their back, are known as a "tail" or train. This train is in reality not the tail but the enormously

elongated upper tail coverts.

13. Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)

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The very colorful and handsome Golden Pheasant is undoubtedly the most colorful of all the game birds.

It is also commonly known as Chinese Pheasant and is native to forests in mountainous areas of western

China but feral populations have been established in the UK and elsewhere.

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The adult male is 90-105 cm in length, its tail accounting for two-thirds of the total length. It is unmistakable

with its golden crest and rump and bright red body. The deep orange 'cape' can be spread in display,

appearing as an alternating black and orange fan that covers all of the face except its bright yellow eye,

with a pinpoint black pupil.

Hope you enjoyed this. Thank you!

For more colorful birds see

Birds with Remarkably Amazing and Awesome Bills

The 20 Most Brilliantly Colored Birds in the World

30 Most Colorful and Prettiest Pet Birds in the World

Who Said That Ducks Are Ugly: Gorgeously Handsome and Colorful Waterfowls?

(Bukisa ID #66742)

Content Source: World's Most Colorful and Beautiful Game Birds -

30 Most Colorful and Prettiest Pet Birds in the World

Parrots are the most popular pet birds in the world. They are being kept because of their colorful plumage and for their intelligence. There are 372 known species of parrots and they found in most warm and tropical regions with several species inhabiting the temperate Southern Hemisphere as well. The greatest diversity of parrots is found in South America and Australasia.

On this article, I compiled what I think the most colorful and beautiful species of parrots. You will surely be captivated by the beauty of these wonderful and colorful parrots. That's 100% guaranteed.

1. Sun Conure (Aratinga solstitialis)

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Well, to start with our long list, the ever beautiful Sun Conure or Sun Parakeet, a medium-sized brightly colored parrot endemic South America. It is commonly kept in aviculture. It can live for 25 to 30 years and is noted for its loud squawking compared to its relatively small size. It is capable of mimicking humans.

2. Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus)

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The pretty Eclectus Parrot is one of the most popular birds kept in captivity. It is native to the Solomon Islands, New Guinea, northeastern Australia and the Maluku Islands (Moluccas). Large populations of this parrot exist in Papua New Guinea, where they are sometimes considered pests for eating fruit off trees. Their bright feathers are also used by native tribe people as decorations.

3. Yellow-bibbed Lorikeet (Lorius chlorocercus)

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Another attractive and colorful bird from the Australasian region is the Yellow-bibbed Lory. It is found in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist mountains.

4. Eastern Rosella (Platycercus eximius)

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The amazingly captivating Easter Rosella is sometimes kept as a pet. These birds are desired for their beautifully colored plumage. They are intelligent creatures, which can be trained to whistle a wide repertoire of tunes and may even learn to speak a few words or phrases. It is native to southeast Australia and Tasmania. It has been introduced to New Zealand.

5. Dusky Lory (Pseudeos fuscata)

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I think I am already running out of adjective here, this elegantly colored bird called Dusky Lory is native to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest, subtropical or tropical mangrove forests, and subtropical or tropical moist mountains.

6. Golden Conure (Guaruba guarouba)

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Another species with superb bright coloration is the Golden Conure also known as the Golden Parakeet or the Queen of Bavaria Conure. It lives in the drier, upland rainforests in Amazonian Brazil, and is threatened by deforestation and flooding and also by the now-illegal trapping of wild individuals for the pet trade. Golden Conures are playful and sociable. They eat fruits, flowers, buds, seeds, and cultured maize in the wild.

7. Australian King Parrot (Alisterus scapularis)

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Australian King Parrot is occasionally bred in aviaries and kept as household pets. As a pet, it had been known to live for up to 25 years. It is found in humid and heavily forested upland regions of the eastern portion of the Australia, including eucalyptus wooded areas in and directly adjacent to subtropical and temperate rainforest.

8. Bronze-winged Parrot (Pionus chalcopterus)

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I found the coloration of Bronze-winged Parrot unique. It is totally different from the usual coloration of colorful parrots. It is found in the northeast Andes from Venezuela and Colombia through northwest Peru. It is seen in pairs of small groups of up to ten birds.

9. Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis)

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This parrot with stunning color combination is relatively easy to breed in captivity, and the captive population is many times larger than the wild population. Individuals are kept in several zoos around the world. The Blue-throated Macaw is endemic to north-central Bolivia. It estimated that only 250 250-300 individuals remain in the wild because they are captured for the pet trade and due to land clearance on cattle ranches. It is currently considered critically endangered and the parrot is protected by trading prohibitions.

10. Pohnpei Lorikeet (Trichoglossus rubiginosus)

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The uniquely colored Pohnpei Lorikeet is native to the island of Pohnpei and the nearby Ahnd Atoll in Micronesia. Its plumage which is reddish-maroon is totally different from the usual green, yellow, red and blue combination. Its bill is orange (for male) and yellow (for female).

11. Blue-crowned Lorikeet (Vini australis)

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The Blue-crowned Lorikeet with blue, green, red and yellow color combination is found throughout the Samoa and Tonga islands and Lau archipelago. They frequent areas with flowering trees, including coconut plantations and gardens. It eats nectar, pollen, and soft fruits, especially wild hibiscus and coconut. Other common names are Blue-crowned Lory, Blue-crested Lory, Solomon Lory, Samoan Lory, Segavao (Samoa) and Henga (Tonga).

12. Blue and Yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna)

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The fantastically colorful Blue-and-yellow Macaw is a popular a pet partly because of its striking appearance and ability as a talking bird. It is intelligent and social, so for someone who can provide for its needs, it makes good and loving companion parrot. It breeds in forest and woodland of tropical South America.

13. Lear's Macaw (Anodorhynchus leari)

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The lovely-looking Lear's Macaw also known as the Indigo Macaw resembles a Hyacinth Macaw (Hyacinth Macaw is larger and darker). It is a rare Brazilian parrot with a highly restricted range. It is metallic blue with a faint, often barely visible, tinge of green, and a yellow patch of skin at the base of the heavy, black bill.

14. Black-headed Parrot (Pionites melanocephalus)

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Small but extremely beautifully colored, the Black-headed Parrot also known as the Black-headed Caique, Black-capped Parrot or Pallid Parrot is found in forest and nearby wooded habitats in the Amazon north of the Amazon River and west of the Uyaculi River. In the wild, they eat mostly flowers, pulp, and seeds and possibly insects. It is popular in aviculture. The only ways to determine gender of an individual Black-headed Parrot are surgical sexing and DNA sexing. Black-headed Caiques are very energetic pets. They need a large cage with lots of toys and perches.

15. Red Lory (Eos bornea)

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The brightly colored Red Lory is native to Indonesia. Its natural habitats are tropical moist lowland forests and tropical mangrove forests. It is the most commonly kept lory in captivity. This intelligent bird has a playful personality and typically range in size from 10 to 12 in long and has an orange beak.

16. Green-naped Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus rubritorquis)

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This handsome looking species of parrot commonly called Green-naped Lorikeet is a subspecies of the equally colorful Rainbow Lorikeet.

17. Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans)

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Another colorful pet parrot from "Land Down Under" is the sweet-looking Crimson Rosella. It is found in eastern and south eastern Australia and has been introduced to New Zealand and Norfolk Island. It is commonly found in mountain forests and gardens.

18. Papuan Lorikeet (Charmosyna papou)

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The Papuan Lorikeet is definitely a candidate for having a unique coloration. It is also commonly known as Stella's Lorikeet and Mount-Goliath Lorikeet. It is a species of is found in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist mountains.

19. Horned Parakeet (Eunymphicus cornutus)

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The Horned Parakeet is not very colorful but it's certainly unique in appearance. It is a large green parakeet native to New Caledonia. It is called Horned because it has two black feathers that protrude from the head and have red tips. It lives in humid pine forests on New Caledonia. Recent population estimates believe that there are 1000-2500 birds left.

20. Turquoise Parrot (Neophema pulchella)

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The brilliantly colored Turquoise Parrot of Australia is usually found in grasslands and open woodlands, and feeds on grasses, seeds and nectar. The English Common Name of the Turquoise Parrot been known alternately as Chestnut-shouldered parakeet, Chestnut-shouldered grass-parakeet, Chestnut-shouldered Grass-parrot, Chestnut-winged Grass-parakeet, Chestnut-winged Grass-Parrot and Turquoisine.

21. Red-collared Lorikeet (Trichoglossus rubritorquis)

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The brightly colored Red-collared Lorikeet, alternately classified as a species, Trichoglossus rubritorquis or a subspecies of the Rainbow Lorikeet as T. haematodus rubritorquis, is a species of Lorikeet living in northern Australia. It has similar habits to its cousin, the Rainbow Lorikeet.

22. Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulates)

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The Budgerigar, also known as Shell Parakeet, Budgie, or Common Pet Parakeet of Australia comes in a variety of color. The budgerigar is found throughout the drier parts of Australia and has survived for the last five million years in the harsh inland conditions of that continent.

23. Black-winged Lorikeet (Eos cyanogenia)

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Coloration on both sexes of this parrot with strikingly colorful appearance called Black-winged Lory is similar. It is native to Indonesia and is distributed to forests and coastal habitat of Biak, Numfor, Manim and Mios Num islands in Cenderawasih bay, Papua. It frequents and roosts in coconut trees. This beautiful bird is a threatened species due to habitat loss.

24. Yellow-backed Lorikeet (Lorius garrulus)

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The brilliantly colored Yellow-backed Lorikeet, also know as Chattering Lory, is a forest-dwelling parrot endemic to North Maluku, Indonesia. It is considered endangered, the main threat being from trapping for the cage-bird trade.

25. Western Rosella (Platycercus icterotis)

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The pretty and brightly colored but aggressive Western Rosella should not be kept with other. It is largely sociable with humans and will whistle in return if whistled at. It is also commonly known as the Stanley Rosella, Earl of Derby's Parakeet or Yellow-cheeked Parakeet. It is the smallest species of rosella and is found in the southwest Australia. It lives in Eucalypt forests and timbered areas.

26. Peach-faced Lovebirds (Agapornis roseicollis)

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Most of the species of parrots that were included on this article are from South America and Australasia. The small but cute and pretty Peach-faced Lovebird is native to southwestern Africa. It is also known as the Rosy-faced Lovebird It is a very social animal and eats throughout the day and takes frequent baths.

27. Black-capped Lorikeet (Lorius lory)

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The robust and beautiful Black-capped Lory, also known as Western Black-capped Lory or the Tricolored Lory, is found in New Guinea and adjacent smaller islands. It remains overall widespread and common and inhabits the primary forest and forest edges in most lowland areas. Its diet includes pollen, nectar, flowers, fruit and insects.

28. Jenday Conure (Aratinga jandaya)

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The very beautiful Jenday Conure is also commonly called Jandaya parakeet. This parrot is known for its sweet sociable disposition and playful behavior. It is highly intelligent, and can often learn several words and phrases. It is native to wooded habitats in northeastern Brazil.

29. Violet-necked Lory (Eos squamata)

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The lovely-looking Violet-necked Lory is a species that is native to Indonesia. Its natural habitats are tropical moist lowland forests and tropical mangrove forests.

30. Red-capped Parrot (Purpureicephalus spurius)

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This colorful Australian bird named Red-capped Parrot is also called the Pileated Parakeet. It is oftentimes confuse with the South American Pionopsitta pileata. It is a species of broad-tailed parrot related to the Rosellas.

I am pretty sure were looking for the popular and colorful variety of parrots like the Hyacinth Macaw, Green-winged Macaw, Rainbow Lorikeet and Scarlet Macaw. I did not include them because they were already included in my article entitled "The 20 Most Brilliantly Colored Birds in the World".

Hope you enjoyed this. Thank you!

For more exotic/colorful pets see

Pretty Aquatic Pets: 10 Most Beautiful Shrimps

Bizarre and Exotic Pets: Weird and Unique Turtles

Popular Amphibian Pets: World's Most Beautiful Frogs

Absolutely Freaky and Weird Frogs: Will You Have Them As Pets?

For more colorful animals in the world see:

Amazingly Unique and Colorful Froggy Frog Frogs

Freakiest & Weirdest Froggy Frog Frogs

Top 10 Most Beautiful Caterpillars

Not All Flies Are Yucky: 10 Most Colorful Flies

The World's Most Colorful Crabs

World's Most Attractive and Colorful Reptiles

The World's Most Colorful Snakes

(Bukisa ID #61755)

Content Source: 30 Most Colorful and Prettiest Pet Birds in the World -

Bizarre Breed of Chickens

Chickens have been domesticated for thousands of years. This fowl is one of the most common and widespread domestic

animals. In recent years, it reached a population of more than 24 billion. There are more chickens in the world than any other

bird. Chickens are kept primarily for human consumption, both their meat and their eggs. Through the ages new breeds of

chicken were developed. Here are some of the most unusual and odd-looking breed of chickens.

1. Silkie

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Silkie or silky hens are known for their docile temperament. Silkies most likely come from China or in other Southeast

Asian countries. It is a unique breed named for its distinct plumage, which is said to feel like silk. Silkie chicken has

several other peculiar qualities, such as dark blue flesh and bones and blue earlobes.

2. Naked Neck

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This peculiar breed of chicken originated in Europe. The Naked Neck, Turken or Transylvanian Naked Neck is the

only breed of chicken that is naturally devoid of feathers on its neck. This name Turken arose from the mistaken idea

that the bird was a hybrid of a chicken and the domestic turkey. This breed is fairly common in Europe but is rare in

North America.

3. Sultan

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If Turken lacks feather on its neck, the Sultan is covered almost entirely with feather from head to toe. This odd-looking

breed came from Turkey. They have always been primarily ornamental, having been kept in the gardens of Ottoman

sultanate. They are bred in the West for competitive showing as part of poultry fancy, and are generally a rare sight.

4. Frizzle

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When I was a kid, I was so amazed, the first time I saw a Frizzle. The feathers curl outwards, rather than laying flat as

in most chickens. While many consider the Frizzle to be an entirely separate breed, chickens from all breeds may have

a frizzled appearance. As a result of its unusual look, Frizzles are primarily exhibition birds.

5. Araucana

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This distinct breed is called Araucana or South American Rumpless. This breed originated in Chile. It has several

unusual characteristics; they lay blue eggs, they have feather tufts near their ears and are rumpless.

6. Faverolles

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Another bizarre-looking breed that originated in France is the Faverolles. They were originally bred in France as a utility

fowl, but are now primarily raised for exhibition. The Faverolles is relatively large and has a beard, muffs, feathered feet,

and five toes per foot like the Silkies.

7. Houdan

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This old breed of chicken is also from France, from the city of Houdan, hence the name.The Houdan is a breed of chicken

native to France. With an attractive appearance, the Houdan combines the distinctive features of the breeds that contributed

to its development.

8. La Fleche

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France has developed several unique breed of chicken. One of which is La Fleche, a very rare breed. Its main distinguishing

feature is its unusual V-shaped comb. They are usually used as ornamental birdsand have white eggs.

9. Booted Bantam

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At a glance, there’s nothing unusual on this breed of chicken. The Booted Bantam or Dutch Booted Bantam is a bantam

breed whose name is derived from its extravagant feathering on the feet and hock joints, which are called vulture hocks

or “sables” in Dutch.

10. Polish

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This breed from Europe is known for its crest of feathers. In addition to combs, Polish heads are adorned with large

crests due to a cone on the top of their skull. The crests cover almost their entire heads. Polish chickens are bred

primarily as a show bird, but were originally egg layers.

11. Appenzeller

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This breed is from Switzerland. There are two varieties of Appenzeller, the Spitzhauben, meaning “pointed hood”, has a

V-comb and feather crests in males and females and the Barthuhner (“bearded hen”) has a rose comb and no crest.

12. Crevecoeur

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This rare breed came from France specifically in the town of Creveceour in Normandy where it got its name. It is one

of the oldest French chicken breeds, and may be the progenitor of the La Fleche. They have uniformly black plumage,

a V-shaped comb and large crests. Their legs are a dark blue–gray.

Hope you enjoyed this. Thank you!

For colorful birds see

The Twenty Most Brilliantly Colored Birds in the World.

For loving and caring bird fathers see

The Most Loving and Caring Feathered Fathers.

For poisonous birds see

Meet Pitohui, Ifrita and Rufous: The Most Poisonous Birds on Earth.

For trivia about the largest bird see

Amazing Facts About The Largest of All Birds

For more articles about birds see

Creepy-looking Winged-Billed-Creatures

Interesting Things About Birds

Amazingly Unique Nesting, Mating and Hatching Behavior of Birds

Amazing Facts About Strigiformes

For aquarium pets see

Pretty Aquatic Pets: 10 Most Beautiful Shrimps

Brightly Colored Snails: Beautiful Aquarium Pets

Fantastic and Unique Breed of Goldfish

For weird and exotic pets see

Bizarre and Exotic Pets: Weird and Unique Turtles

For pet birds see

World's Most Favorite Pet Birds

(Bukisa ID #38683)

Content Source: Bizarre Breed of Chickens -